This post is about my son Noah who turned 3 years old back in December.
My son is just like his daddy in a scary way. He is absolutely in love and/or obsessed with Batman, Spiderman and Transformers (especially Bumblebee). His favorite animals are lions, tigers and Dinosaurs (by far). Believe me, he can be a combination of all of them at the same time. He is a true/real boy. He has been able to sit and watch the Jurasic Park movies since he was 2. But it’s all in phases.
A month ago it was ALL about Bumblebee from the Autobots. Trust me, I don’t know the lingo. The only reason I know that ‘big’ word Autobots is because of my husband, the sci-fi geek.
Anyway, since Noah was all about the Transformers I decided to make him cookies of his favorite characters.
Optimus Prime
And both of them.
I’ve never seen him more excited to see my cookies. The sleepless night was all worth it.
We made enough cookies to take to his music class. He looked so happy carrying a basket of cookies for his little friends at Kindermusik and his teacher Miss. Molley.
Happy Birthday darling!
Lydia March 6th, 2012 11:10 pm
Hello There,
I love your transformer cookies! May I know where you get the cookie cutter? I tried to google them and located but have no luck finding one. Can you please give me input. Thank you so much!
Mayra March 21st, 2012 2:50 pm
I apologize for not writing earlier. It’s hard to find to update and keep track of so many applications and sites.
There’s no cookie cutter! I took a tag from a tshirt that I got for my son and cut the dough with a knife tracing the shape of the tag. Each cookie was cut individually… very tedious and time consuming. The dough needs to be very hard/chilled to do this.
Hope this helps!