This is a very special post because the following cookies were made for my niece Sadie who turned 8 years old back on March 4th. I know, I know… I’m so far behind on lots of things. At least the post is here!
Last year Sadie was absolutely in loved with the Littlest Pet Shop dolls. You can check out the cookies we made for her here. This year, she is a big fan of the beautiful Lalaloopsy dolls.
If you are not familiar with those dolls, let me tell you… they so stinking adorable!!! They are supposed to be rag dolls that magically came to life. So you’ll see lots of stitching and sewing decorations on the cookies. I actually think that the Lalaloopsy dolls were one of the top toys for girls last year.
My sister Lizi asked me to make Sadie’s birthday cookies this year. She had one particular doll in mind. My niece’s favorite doll was Mittens Fluff “N” Snuff and the cute pillow.
I’m not going to lie to you, I was scared. They are beautiful dolls, but they are also VeRy detailed. I spent many sleepless nights just thinking how would I even start the cookies and whether I should go with chocolate or RI (royal icing) designs. Both chocolate and RI have their advantages and disadvantages you know. Chocolate melts… RI breaks.
Anyway, Mittens Fluff “N” Snuff couldn’t travel to El Paso, TX by herself so we also made Pillow Featherbed and her adorable lamb.
If you follow my blog you know that I specialize in chocolate designs. Last year I made the designs with RI and because they were shipped (and we all know that the Postal office, although thank you for your service, don’t really take good care of fragile packages). I hate to admit that some of them broke. I took the risk and went with my specialty… chocolate designs and hoped for the best.
So after many sleepless night (I’m not lying to you), Lalaloopsy nightmares, and 50 bags of icing (both RI and chocolate), here are the cookies.
First, Mitten’s Fluff “N” Snuff and her lovely pillow. I think I could have done a better job with the pillow now that I look back and think about them. They could have been more fluffier, but I still liked them.
Here’s a collage of most of the cookie designs. Do you see the stitching and sewing details? That’s what the Lalaloopsy dolls are all about.
Here’s a closeup of their logo.
Then we have Pillow Featherbed and her sidekick the lamb (sorry, I don’t know it’s name).
And a closer shot of their cute partners.
I’ve only been to one of my niece’s parties because we live so far away. I think she had turned 2 years old then. It was a big party so I know that my sister goes totally out for Sadie’s parties (I would too!). I’m not kidding, here’s my niece…
See the resemblance! She looks very pretty!!!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday Sadie and that you enjoyed your treats. We wish we could have been there!
Karen April 17th, 2012 7:43 pm
Do you sell the lalaloopsy cookies?
Mayra April 28th, 2012 2:53 pm
Yes we do! Let me know if you are interested I an order.
Thank you.
Renee June 1st, 2012 11:49 am
I’m interested in pricing on your Lalaloopsy cookies. Thanks!
Mayra June 20th, 2012 8:18 pm
Hi Amy!
Yes, I do ship my cookies and the price for those character cookies are $3.75 per cookie. They are shipped wrapped in clear bags and tied with a pretty ribbon. The doll itself can be place on any type of cookie cutter so it doesn’t really have to be a cupcake if you don’t want to. Let me know if this helps and if we can do anything for you.
Cynthia July 23rd, 2012 9:01 pm
Hi, do you take order for the cookies? They are so cute!!! I live in Sydney, Australia. Is it possible to send them here? My daughter is so into Lalaloopsy at the moment. And am thinking to throw her 6th birthday party in Lalaloopsy theme. Her birthday will be on the 23rd of September. Please email me back. Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Sherry July 25th, 2012 7:23 pm
Hi how much for a party bunch of cookies?
Mayra July 26th, 2012 1:38 pm
Thank you for visiting my site and your interest in my work. To be honest, I’ve never shipped that far away. I would have to investigate about the shipping costs and price adjustments. I’ll be posting prices soon.
Mayra July 26th, 2012 1:51 pm
I’ll be posting soon about the prices for these cookies. Stay tuned! Thanks for your interest.
Angela January 8th, 2013 10:10 pm
hello, What’s your shipping range for these cookies? I’m very interested! This is the theme I have chosen for my daughters 2nd birthday. How many characters do you do of la la loopsy? Her birthday is a little while away but I usually plan early.
Thank you
Mayra January 18th, 2013 2:16 pm
It really depends on the number of cookies you order. I use USPS flat rate shipping so your orders may be between $12 and $16 depending on your order.