I want candy….

Posted on January 29th, 2013 in Cookies

I have to admit, I have A LOT of cookie cutters.

Many of my cookie cutters are plastic (there’s nothing wrong with plastic) and others are your regular tin cutters. Some of them are copper cutters.

Copper cutters are much more expensive than your aluminum cookie cutters, but every once in a while I like to treat myself  with one of them (or two… or three, just don’t tell the husband). If there’s every a cookie cutter that I know I will use over and over, I will certainly invest in it and buy a copper cutter.

One of my favorite copper cutters is the wrapped candy cookie cutter. It is so versatile. I have used it so many times and for lots of different occasions. Red and green – Christmas. Orange and black – Halloween. Pastel colors – Easter. Anything’s possible with this cookie cutter.

Well today I have again, wrapped candy cookies that I made for a very pretty girl celebrating her 3rd birthday.

Candy pink stella

I was asked to use combinations of Pink/Turquoise and Pink/Green. When I received the beautiful party invitation to use as inspiration, I thought a little bit of yellow would help brighten the set. With Taylor’s approval, I tinted more icing and added another color.

The party invitation was not only full of color, but it had many fun designs.  That’s when it hit me…. candy should not only have the swirls that I’ve always done, but dots and stripes and lines and everything!

With that in mind, here are my latest wrapped candy cookies.

Candy pink 2

 This is my original way to decorate this type of cookie. I still loooove them.

Candy pink 1

 Another change from my typical cookies is the “wrapper”. I really wanted to give the candy the feeling of being truly wrapped. So (because I don’t know how to explain it in words) I want to show it to you in the next picture.

Candy pink 9 arrows

Right? Anyway…

Candy pink 6

Candy pink 4

And because I love making collages of my pictures, here’s one for you.

Candy Pink Collage

I hope you had a wonderful birthday Stella and I hope you enjoyed the cookies.

Thanks for sharing this with you y’all. Have you had a Sweet Treat today?

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