I received a request to create a construction cake for a birthday boy in love with construction vehicles, a yellow digger to be specific. Mom told me about his favorite book, Digger Man.
If you have never heard about this book (and I had not), here’s a picture of it.
Construction sites, mud, dirt, trees… how fun! I can make mud, dirt and trees from many different edible things. I tried to stay as close to the book image as possible. We start with some details of the cake.
First of all, the yellow digger. This is a chocolate made image that’s removing some piles of rock/dirt just like in the book (because a little boy is trying to clear the ground to make a playground for his little brother, if you really want to know).
My client thought it would be fun to add some construction tape and cones around the cake. Caution tape, check! Construction cones, check!
Here’s the tree. I added one or two pieces of pretzel sticks to ‘raise’ the trunk and make it seem more real. I thought the pretzel would be better than a pile of frosting (not that’s it wrong, because it’s still good). Some buttercream leaves and grass to decorate the scene.
And here the finished cake.
The cake was white butter cake with alternating sections of vanilla buttercream frosting and chocolate ganache (mmmmh, ganache).
I don’t really know how the story ends because my 2 year old boy is more into dinosaurs and animals than anything else. I’m sure it is a very cute book and will soon be going to the store to check it out.
Hope you liked it.
The is a special post because my dear nephew (adopted by heart) celebrated his 2nd birthday. Abelito is now 2 years old and he simply loves the Disney movie Cars. I have to admit I had never seen the movie, but Matt (my hubby) rented it a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t watch it all because I was baking, but the bits and pieces I got to watch looked very funny and cute.
Abelito’s mom, Maria (we go way back) wanted a Tres Leches cake, but here’s the deal with this delicious cake. A Tres Leches Cake is sooo incredibly moist that the delicacy and softness (not to mention deliciousness) of the cake doesn’t really allow for a a heavy frosting like buttercream or fondant. It is hard to decorate, but I did manage to have some delicious Dulce de Leche Buttercream on top. Anyway, here’s what I came up with for Abel.
I hope you had a great birthday Abelito, we love you! Good luck to his mom, she is due with baby no. 2 anyday now…
I’m sure he’ll have fun cutting into it. My daughter had a huge smile on her face when she saw it in the morning.
I hope you had a happy birthday Saul!