Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Posted on June 18th, 2013 in Cakes

A graduation cake inspired by the famous Dr. Seuss’ book Oh, The Places You’ll Go!


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The details of the cake will soon be posted.

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Dr. Seuss Cookies

Posted on January 17th, 2013 in Cookies

First of all, Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Holidays and a fun New Year celebration. I still have have to get used to writing and typing 2013.

The first One Sweet Treat of 2013 will be…

The famous Dr. Seuss.

No. I will not even attempt to make a rhyme.  My 6 year old daughter is much better at this than me. I’m ashamed to say that even my 4 year old son can rhyme! Sad uh?

Just because I don’t know how to rhyme doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy Dr. Seuss books. What’s not to love about Dr. Seuss. The stories, the rhymes, the characters. The colorful pictures and the artistic sketchy and very particular lines are all simply wonderful cookie inspiration for a cookies like me.

Well, Dr. Seuss is perfect for any children events. In this case, the following cookies were designed for a baby shower.

First we have Thing1 & Thing2. I loved the side by side design.

dr seuss t1t2 1

Next we have another popular drawing (s).  We actually have this particular book in the house. It really came in handy when drawing the lines on the fish.

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish….

dr seuss fish4

dr seuss fish 3

I cannot make Dr. Seuss themed cookies without making the only and only Cat in the Hat right?  Here we have the mischievous cat and the very distinctive and recognizable red and white hat.

dr seuss 5

dr seuss hats3

Although the cookies were wrapped individually for cookie favors, I decided to gather all of them and show you a colorful patter of cookies

dr seuss 1

Just a final look  of these Dr. Seuss cookies in a collage.

dr seuss Collage

This  is in fact my second set of Dr. Seuss cookies I make. You can see the first set that we (my mom and I) made a few years back. Click here for the Cat in the Hat cookie set from 2011.

What do you think? Good theme to start off the new year uh?

The Cat in the Hat -Thing 1 & Thing 2

Posted on May 12th, 2011 in Cakes, Cookies, Other Sweet Treats

I almost forgot to post this cake and I think you’ll enjoy looking at it.I think most people are familiar with The Cat in the Hat books by Dr. Seuss. Well, this cake is about Thing 1 & Thing 2 and in case you don’t know them here they are.


I don’t really remember reading the books when I was a little girl, but now that I have my children I’m finally familiar with them. They even have the books in Spanish!

The story on the cake is about a couple of little ones celebrating their birthday, I believe on the same day (if not only days close). My client liked a pair of matching cakes I had made in the past on Monster’s Inc. where one is bigger than the other one. So this Dr. Seuss cake is bases on that idea.

Here’s the cake for 2 boys, one turning 5 years old and the other one celebrating his 1st birthday.

Thing 1 & Thing 2

There’s a lot of details to show on the cakes. Here’s Thing 2 designed for Drake, the little brother.

Thing 2 and the always looking frightened fish

Thing 1 went to Quinn, the older brother.

Thing 1 with a flying kite

 Here are some of the details on the cakes. You have balloons, popular faces and that always worried looking fish.

We also prepared sugar cookies for them. The images are made out of chocolate and placed on top of the cookie to give them a ‘dimensional’ look.

Dr Seuss 1

Dr Seuss 4

Some of the details on the cookies such as the black lines are made with an edible marker. These marks are very typical of the cartoons.

Dr Seuss 1

These cookies were designed to be party favors.

Dr Seuss 2

 I’m sad to report that I forgot to take a picture of the actual Dr. Seuss cookie, I did actually make one or two.

I think this set of cakes and cookies are some of my favorite ones ever. I love the fact that the chocolate pieces on the cookies look actually alive (! ? !).

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