This very special cake was for Madox and Gavin Doehrmann as they celebrated their 1st Communion.
I have to admit that it presented quite a challenge for me. I wanted to make the perfect tiered cake without making it look like a wedding cake. The my other struggling factor was designing an appropriate communion cake for the boys. Flowers can easily be incorporated into the cake… for girls. So simple and elegant were the focus words.
The chalice is a very important element in First Communion cakes as it represents the very first time the body and blood of Christ is accepted for the first time.
This sugar chalice is made out of fondant. An earlier post shows this same chalice, but made out of chocolate. It wasn’t easy, but I used the same chocolate mold to create this piece. Even though it took me a very long time to achieve the end result, I loved it.
This closeup also shows the cascading ivory/gold and white leaves around the cake. Random leaves decorate each tier in random areas. One thing you may not be able to see very well is the pattern on the stripes around each of the tiers. It’s a woodgrain design that coordinates perfectly with the tree trunk cake stand (Faux Bois cake stand from William Sonoma).
You can see here another sugar rosary made my mom. Using regular fondant with a little bit of a hardening ingredient, she rolls each little bead by hand. She tints the fondant in different colors to make the end of each decade. The cross attached to the rosary is chocolate. Once it’s all finished, I add glitter and sparkle all over.
Along with the rosary, we featured a cross as part of the topper. My SIL mentioned that we could use a deep red as an accent color so we added the “D” and piped the edges of the cross in that particular color. I love how the color is used without being overpowering.
This table was set up with the boy’s Baptism pictures taken seven years ago. Time really goes fast.
In addition to the main cake we decided to make some Cake Truffles for people to enjoy at the gathering. We prepared chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and white caramel cake with caramel buttercream truffles covered in dark and white chocolate.
It really made my day when I heard a little girl say to her mom, “mom these are the best things ever!”.
My SIL is amazing at making things and places look absolutely pretty, this was no exception. The boys’ baptism candles. A simple, but gorgeous bouquet of flowers. A distinctive cross. A very pretty and well presented Communion celebration table.
Congratulation Gavin and Madox on such a special day in your spiritual life. Many blessing to both of you.