I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and spent time with friends and/or loved ones. It is truly a day for friendship and certainly for love (innocent and mmmh, wild).
This year we made over 80 Valentine cookies in al different colors, shapes, and sizes. This year is I focused more on ‘sets’ of cookies. I took so many pictures that I instead of showing you 100 of them, you’ll see some pretty photo collages (well, I think they are pretty).
We start with the Love Birds Quilted Pink and Gray cookie set (yikes, what a name….!).
This particular set of Lovebirds went to a lovely couple engaged to be married in October. Congratulation on your engagement Josh and Katie!
Those cookies went to Lillie’s teachers. She wrote their names on the cookies to make them extra special (Mrs. Howard & Mrs Finny). Thanks for your hard work!
I have been waiting so long to make the next set of cookies. Valentine’s Day was the perfect excuse to make sexy cookies and I really loved the way they turned out. The inspiration for those was real lingerie (NO! I don’t own them).
Need I say more?
Back to the cute and lovely…. Here’s a bunch of hearts in many different shapes and sizes, colors and patters. Loved them!!
Hearts with wings.
A dozen cookies went to my niece’s (Laysha) teachers for Valentine’s Day. Another dozen went to my other niece’s (Alexis) teachers. They both took some of those corset cookies and they loved them!
My sister works at this company called Proteus and the were having an after Valentine’s Day party. They ordered Valentines cookies displaying their company logo on a big heart cookie.
There are actually more to show…. I’ll do this on another post.
For more pictures visit my Flickr Page.
Thanks to everyone who ordered cookies for Valentine’s Day. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did making them.