Fall is one of my favorite seasons!
I was very excited to make again seasonal cookies to celebrate the arrival of this change in beautiful colors, smells and tastes.
Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins…. Pumpkins come in all different shapes and sizes. This year I decided to add a dark and deep color to the traditional pumpkin cookies that I make, a deep green.
The top cookies are huge at about 6″!!! They are also chocolate chip sugar cookies. They are some of my family’s favorite flavor.
I truly enjoy seeing the change of colors in the leaves. Greens, browns, reds and even purples in all shades. It always inspires me to try to recreate such beauty in a sugar cookie. Here’s my assorted set of fall leaves cookies. I made them last year, but this year just like the pumpkins, I added the deep green color to them.
I love this maple leaf. I wish I had a bigger one, but I don’t. Also, the cute acorns. I just realized I forgot to add the steam! Ooops….
Turkeys! I purchased this cookie cutter from Coppergifts and as always, it was giant!! When it finally comes out of the oven it’s huge!! What’s bigger, “giant” or “huge”? What I am trying to say is that the cookie expanded during the baking process and it got bigger than the cutter. That’s better.
Colorful, festive and sort of silly, here are my turkeys!
A long time ago I came across a clipart image and I was in love, full of inspiration and left me with plenty of ideas! It was the perfect opportunity for me to put those ideas into cookies. I really liked them.
And finally here’s a quick look at the entire set of Fall inspired cookies.
What was my favorite this year? The tree…., but my one favorite cookie is the one colorful leaf you see on the picture above. I simply love how the mix of colors blended.
The most difficult cookie to make? The tree…. just time consuming.
Thanks again for visiting my site. I hope you enjoyed looking at these cookies.
I hope everybody had a safe and happy Halloween. Here are some of the cookies I baked and decorated for this Halloween celebration.
I have to make spiders. These cute yet frightful spiders have very detailed legs. If you look closely, I pipped three sets of leg extension for each one of the legs. Time consuming, yes, but I liked the way they turned out. When my daughter saw them she said “Yucky!”. She is only two….
I made different versions of the ghosts. The same mold, but each one a little bit unique. This year, I focused on their facial expressions. Some happy, some scared and some of them mean.
Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins. I’d better decorate some Halloween sugar cookies every year or as might as well not bake al all. So here we go.
You’ll see the traditional pumpkins with the bright green steams. Then we have many more pumpkins featuring assorted faces to them.
A little about the Minnie Mouse Halloween cookie. I bake some of those cookies with a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter that I have not really knowing what I would do with it. My youngest daughter absolutely loves Mickey, so I just thought I would make them for her. As I started decorating them, I kept hating their look more and more… but I kept going. I thought the eyes were so ugly and the smiles all crocked. They just didn’t look good at all. Then at the very last minute I decided to make a pumpkin with their ears using black icing to stand out. Well… all I have to say is that this Minnie Mouse cookie is the most seen cookie in my flickr account. Who knew!!!
A final look of the assorted Halloween cookies for 2013. I made quite a few candy Halloween cookies, but unfortunately I didn’t take a picture of them. You can see at least one of them down below.
See you later with more Halloween cookies!!
Kindermusik Family Music Night took place this past October 24th and we were happy to part of it by offering our cakes, cookies and treats to everyone that participated in the event.
We prepared an assorted number of treats and I have lots of pictures to show you. First here’s our table.
Our cupcake flavors were pumpkin (top), chocolate with chocolate frosting (middle) and caramel cakes with dulce de leche frosting (bottom).
I hope you enjoyed looking at these pictures.
I have to thank Jenn Horak for allowing us be part of the event. If you are not familiar with Kindermusik, I invite you to take a look at their website and see what she has to offer for your family. My daughter Lillie has been attending music classes since she was 2 years old and she simply loves it.