For a couple of months last year I did nothing but Lego treats, mainly cakes. Now that the movie is out, Legos are much more popular. By the way, let me tell you that the movie is awesome!!
Last December, my wonderful son Noah turned 5 years old. Although he still loves Dinosaurs very much, this year he decided that he wanted a Lego birthday party… with a twist (the twist will come in Part 2).
Because I know that all the picture editing and details will take me forever to finish, I decided to break this into two posts. This first post will show the Lego cookies I made for him and his friends.
Lego Head. A very important piece.
I made several of them Lego Head cookies with different facial expressions. Although I liked them all, I think that my absolute favorite was the one with the mustache, my mom’s idea.
I made a lot of cookies to hand out as “Thank You” gifts along with their little treat bag. I saved a lot more cookies to arrange a birthday platter for him. The platter included a couple of special cookies to display his Happy Birthday message. My cookie platter usually include that by the way.
I was very satisfied with these cookies. My son loved them and they were a hit at the party.
Happy 5th birthday to my sweet loving boy, Noah.